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I had an awesome summer adventure in Landmannalaugar. In July 2020 I went on an adventure with a group of photographers to Iceland. The main goal of this trip was to visit Landmannalaugar. Landmannalaugar is located in Fjallabak Nature Reserve (“Friðland að Fjallabaki”). Our tour guide Madelon Dielen drove us through rivers and dust roads bringing us to beautiful locations. After my adventure in Iceland in January I wanted a rematch with Iceland.
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What’s the fun of guided photo trips. Photography is a journey for life. There is always something new to learn or improve. For me photography is always fun. One of the things I picked up is going on photo trips. I joined my first photo trip in may 2013. It was a short trip to London with Madelon Dielen Fotografie. On this trip I heard about the P, M and A dial on my camera. My main goal on this trip was to learn about these settings and understand what they did. I also learned what shooting in RAW meant. Furthermore while my first photo trip was a city trip, most other photo trips are for landscape photographers.
First of all what is the fun of these photo trips? I can hear you think “every photographer on the same location with the same pictures or that’s easy making nice pictures or ……….”. So what’s the fun of guided photo trips!
Bulgaria 2019 – with Yves Adams of Starling TravelRead more →
Our Arctic Light Adventure in Iceland started January 1st 2020. We flew with a group of seven people to Iceland to explore the northern part of Iceland in wintertime. Would we be able to see the Northern Light? How will the weather conditions turn out in wintertime?
In October 2019 I went on an adventure with a group of photographers to see the Colors of Autumn Bulgaria. Starling Tours organized this adventure as the travel agent. Our tour guide was Yves Adams who did an amazing job. He was always there to lend a hand, teaching us something, making us laugh and inspiring us every day. We were lucky to have two drivers. Emil and his wife Sevdalina, who were very kind people. Emil himself is a photographer as well. So we had two photographers who taught us.
In July 2019 I went on an adventure in the northern part of Norway. Varanger is a peninsula with amazing landscapes. Nordic Vision was again my travelagent. Jan en Mart Smit (father and son) were the tour guides. The weather conditions where to good. A lot of sun en clear blue skies. So during daytime it was an adventure to find some spots to take nice pictures. During that time of the day we did some location spotting and photograph structures. (And that’s way out of my comfort zone.)
Structures on the shadow site of the rocks in seaRead more →
In March 2019 I went on an adventure to Norway. Senja is the second largest island of Norway. I went their with tour guide Floris Smeets of Fotoreisspecialist. We stayed in Hotel Mefjord Brygge in a town called Mafjordvær.
In November 2018 I went on a photo trip to Wales with tour guide Wilco Dragt of Nordic Vision. I did not know what to expect of Wales. Was it like Scotland or Ireland?
Fairy Glenn
Our destination was on the isle of Anglesey just above the national park Snowdonia. We stayed in a place called Menai Bridge in Hotel Anglesey Arms. Read on to see my Spark page and the video I made of this adventure.
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In september ben ik op fotoreis geweest door Ierland met een leuke groep fotografen. Fotograaf en tevens reisleider was Ernst Yperlaan. Reisorganisatie was We vertrokken naar Dublin waar we twee dagen verbleven. De reisdagen gingen verder volgens het volgende schema: Read more →
Prachtige fotoreis gehad naar Londen met heel veel respect voor de reisleider Madelon Dielen. Madelon typeert zich door flexibel te zijn en toch iedereen ondertussen veel te kunnen leren, daarbij toch haar schema goed volgend. We hadden een ontzettende leuke groep en we hebben veel gelachen. Read more →