Our Arctic Light Adventure in Iceland started January 1st 2020. We flew with a group of seven people to Iceland to explore the northern part of Iceland in wintertime. Would we be able to see the Northern Light? How will the weather conditions turn out in wintertime?

Polar Stratospheric Clouds
What we had imagined in our mind during this Arctic Light Adventure turned out to be an understatement. We saw the spectaculair Aurora two times. We also experienced the very rare Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC’s) two days in a row. Experiencing a hurricane blizzard which made us stay three extra days in Iceland nailed us. We swam in an open air hot pool with an outdoor temperature of -16 degrees celsius that froze our hair.

Tourguide during this trip was Madelon Dielen. She had to improvise, stir us up, had to drive trough hurricanes and she did it al with a smile. It was not my first time to go on an adventure with Madelon.
Aurora showed herself
During the first days of our Arctic Light Adventure we also saw the Northern Lights (Aurora). It was an awesome view above the snowscape of Iceland. It was not the most spectacular Aurora ever, but the scenery with the snowscapes I’ll never forget.

The Polar Stratospheric Clouds we had two days in a row. Also during twilight these clouds give every photo a surreal feel.

Close to the lake Mývatn there’s an area that is called Hverir. The mountain in this area is called Námafjall. Hverir Iceland is one of the most out-of-this-world sites on the island. It is a place where you feel connected to the power of the planet. At the foot of the Namafjall volcanic mountain, the Namaskard geothermal area displays fumaroles, large mud pools, steam vents and a bare orangy-red landscape.

Stuck in a snow blizzard
The real adventure started when we got stuck in a snow blizzard on our way to the last accommodation. There was zero visibility and we could’t go on. We saw on google maps we were about 150 meters from a closed guesthouse.When we called the lady said we could come and stay the night. The 150 meters took us about one and a half our. But we were safe when we arrived in the house. Thank you Glæsibær Guesthouse. We had to stay in Iceland for three more days. Just look at the video and see the adventure.
Photo books and Video’s
Presenting to you my perception of our A R C T I C L I G H T A D V E N T U R E in Iceland in this online photo book.

I also made a little movie. So if you have four spare minutes, watch this movie and give it a thumbs-up on the Vimeo website.
And last but not least I made a Spark Page by Adobe. It gives you a scrolling feel to watch my pictures. It also has more pictures then published in this article. Press here to see the Spark Page.
Written by Richard Paas for www.richardpaas.com